在一本書中, 關於十二因緣的英文描述是這樣的:
Ignorance is the origin of Mental forces;
Mental forces is the origin of the Life-continuum;
The Life-continuum is the orgin of Mind and Matter
Mind and Matter are the origin of the Sense organs;
The Sense organs are the origin of Contact;
Contact is the origin of Sense-impressions;
Sense-impressions is the origin of Desire;
Desire is the origin of Attachment;
Attachment is the origin of Becoming or Existence;
Becoming or Existence is the origin of Birth;
Birth is the origin of Old age, Illness, Death, Anxiety, Agony;
Agony , pains,etc. which are all suffering.
上述兩種描述在大意上是否相同, 請各位發表高見.
Re: 十二因緣
漢文與英文的佛經翻譯都不見得百分之百準確,如果您想要做更深入的分析比較,那麼應該找巴利文佛典來比對。yansong 寫:在一本書中, 關於十二因緣的英文描述是這樣的:
Ignorance is the origin of Mental forces;
Mental forces is the origin of the Life-continuum;
The Life-continuum is the orgin of Mind and Matter
Mind and Matter are the origin of the Sense organs;
The Sense organs are the origin of Contact;
Contact is the origin of Sense-impressions;
Sense-impressions is the origin of Desire;
Desire is the origin of Attachment;
Attachment is the origin of Becoming or Existence;
Becoming or Existence is the origin of Birth;
Birth is the origin of Old age, Illness, Death, Anxiety, Agony;
Agony , pains,etc. which are all suffering.
上述兩種描述在大意上是否相同, 請各位發表高見.
上篇英文經文提到:life continuum,先查了一下資料:「有分心又翻譯為「生命相續流」(life continuum)」(註)這應該是在講解「三世緣起」,所以是南傳系統的英譯經文。由於對巴利原文不瞭解,只好先比對漢傳經文雜阿含298經:「緣行識者。云何為識。謂六識身。眼識身.耳識身.鼻識身.舌識身.身識身.意識身。」這樣比較就知道有些南傳體系內的不同系統,為了講解「三世緣起」的觀念又將「識」講成「有分識」或「有分心」(生命相續流),這樣的說法等於是另立新名詞,已經不同於經典原來的釋義。
光只是「life continuum」一語的譯文,內中牽涉的體系上與觀念上問題就頗為繁雜。除非行有餘力,譬如兼通英、巴、漢語,否則,漢傳一帶想學習原始佛法者,還是先從「雜阿含經」入手,看看一些白話譯文再翻翻雜阿含原文,找一些巴利經典英翻中後的資料讀讀。至於,英、漢、巴三種語言翻譯作品的比較,還是交給專業人士去進行,等他們的研究結果出來後,有空再讀讀就行了。
網址:http://www.dhammarain.org.tw/books/paau ... %8B/22.htm
上篇英文經文提到:life continuum,先查了一下資料:「有分心又翻譯為「生命相續流」(life continuum)」(註)這應該是在講解「三世緣起」,所以是南傳系統的英譯經文。由於對巴利原文不瞭解,只好先比對漢傳經文雜阿含298經:「緣行識者。云何為識。謂六識身。眼識身.耳識身.鼻識身.舌識身.身識身.意識身。」這樣比較就知道有些南傳體系內的不同系統,為了講解「三世緣起」的觀念又將「識」講成「有分識」或「有分心」(生命相續流),這樣的說法等於是另立新名詞,已經不同於經典原來的釋義。
光只是「life continuum」一語的譯文,內中牽涉的體系上與觀念上問題就頗為繁雜。除非行有餘力,譬如兼通英、巴、漢語,否則,漢傳一帶想學習原始佛法者,還是先從「雜阿含經」入手,看看一些白話譯文再翻翻雜阿含原文,找一些巴利經典英翻中後的資料讀讀。至於,英、漢、巴三種語言翻譯作品的比較,還是交給專業人士去進行,等他們的研究結果出來後,有空再讀讀就行了。
網址:http://www.dhammarain.org.tw/books/paau ... %8B/22.htm
Re: 十二因緣
在學習上,以這篇英譯經文來說,最好還是看看翻譯這篇經文的著作中,怎麼使用白話英文去解釋它?想表達什麼觀念與意涵?舉例說明又是如何?說法與解釋是否完整、容易瞭解?符合真實(這點有時候很難印證,尤其牽涉到修行的層面時)?yansong 寫: Ignorance is the origin of Mental forces;
Mental forces is the origin of the Life-continuum;
The Life-continuum is the orgin of Mind and Matter
Mind and Matter are the origin of the Sense organs;
The Sense organs are the origin of Contact;
Contact is the origin of Sense-impressions;
Sense-impressions is the origin of Desire;
Desire is the origin of Attachment;
Attachment is the origin of Becoming or Existence;
Becoming or Existence is the origin of Birth;
Birth is the origin of Old age, Illness, Death, Anxiety, Agony;
Agony , pains,etc. which are all suffering.