你說的這個「心」是指什麼?aller 寫:證果之後,「五蘊」完全沒有改變,繼續接受「心」的指令作用,這能稱作:「心」與「五蘊」各自獨立而存嗎?
版主!我也想知道耶。aller 寫:※尊者阿迦曼傳
◎ 一九八二泰文原著:
作者:阿迦摩訶布瓦(Ven.Ajahn Maha Boowa)
泰國帕邦塔寺(Wat Pa Barn Tard)◎一九七六英譯版: 斯里布達蘇克(Sri Buddhasukho)
◎一九九二中譯版: 曾銀湖
065 解脫法
【解脫後,只有一心和一法,「五蘊」,構成他們在世間的存在,就只是單純的五蘊而已,沒有垢染的成份。阿羅漢的五蘊跟以前還是一樣,在證得涅槃後並沒有發生任何的改變。例如:那些負責思想過程的五蘊仍是接受它們老闆,「心」的命令。本質上,當達成「全然的自在」時,已經切斷所有五蘊與心之間的繫縛與牽絆了。「心」與「五蘊」各自獨立而存,是不同的現象,各自有其自然的真實狀態。】─這是中譯者:陳在昕 喬正一 的版本。
【解脫後,只有一心和一法,「五蘊」,構成他們在世間的存在,就只是單純的五蘊而已,沒有垢染的成份。阿羅漢的五蘊跟以前還是一樣,在證得涅槃後並沒有發生任何的改變。例如:那些負責思想過程的五蘊仍是接受它們老闆,「心」的命令。本質上,當達成「全然的自在」時,已經切斷所有五蘊與心之間的繫縛與牽絆了。「心」與「五蘊」各自獨立而存,是不同的現象,各自有其自然的真實狀態。】─這是中譯者:陳在昕 喬正一 的版本。
從阿姜曼早期開始修行的那一段歲月,他就一直擁有積極的個性。這種與眾不同的個性在他最後證果的那一刻最明顯,對他而言也是最難以忘懷的,所以他後來會以此激勵啟發他的學生。一旦他的心徹底擺脫生死輪迴後,它就出現了三次的改革,圍繞著新生起的解脫心。當第一次的改革结束時,巴利語所謂的「lopo」-(全然的斷除)隨之生起,意即此刻的心已完成了斷除貪執的職責,包括了對所有殘餘的相對性(因緣、緣生)、世俗事實的貪執;第二次的改革結束時,巴利語所謂的「vimutti」-(全然的自在)隨之生起,意即此刻的心已臻徹底解脫的職責;第三次的改革結束時,巴利語所謂的「an&layo」 –(全然的捨離)隨之生起,意即此刻的心在所有成就方面都已臻全然無垢的職責。那時,「心」就是「法」,即「一心一法」,「心」與「法」的真正本質同義。不同於相對性(因緣、緣生)、世俗的事實,它是沒有二元性的。真正的解脫是單純的,它是絕對唯一的,沒有相對性(因緣、緣生)、世俗事實的任何軌跡。只能一次完全地體悟純然的「法」,因為無法更完美了。 Since his early days of practice, Ãcariya Mun always possessed a very dynamic character. That distinguishing characteristic was evident at the moment of his final attainment, which was so unforgettable for him that he would later tell this story to inspire his disciples. Once his citta had completely overthrown the cycle of repeated birth and death, it appeared to make three revolutions, circling around the newly-arisen viva&&a-citta.9 Upon conclusion of the first revolution, the P&li term A Heart Released 161 lopo – cutting off – arose together with its essential meaning: at that moment the citta had completed the function of totally excluding all vestiges of relative, conventional reality. Upon conclusion of the second revolution, the P&li term vimutti – absolute freedom – arose together with its essential meaning: at that moment the citta had completed the function of attaining total release. Upon conclusion of the third revolution, the P&li term an&layo – total detachment – arose together with its essential meaning: at that moment the citta had completed the function of wholly severing all attachments. Citta and Dhamma were then one and the same – ekacitta ekadhamma. The true nature of the citta is synonymous with the true nature of Dhamma. Unlike relative, conventional reality, there is no duality. This is vimuttidhamma pure and simple.10 It is absolute in its singularity and devoid of any trace of relative, conventional reality within. This pure Dhamma is fully realized only once. It never requires further perfection.
世尊及阿羅漢們也只證悟過一次:「心」與「法」的本質是完全的相同,他們不需要再去尋找什麼東西了。「五蘊」,構成他們在世間的存在,就只是單純的五蘊而已,沒有垢染的成份。阿羅漢的五蘊跟以前還是一樣,在證得涅槃後並沒有發生任何的改變。例如:那些負責思想過程的五蘊仍是接受它們老闆,「心」的命令。本質上,當達成「全然的自在」時,已經切斷所有五蘊與心之間的繫縛與牽絆了。「心」與「五蘊」各自獨立而存,是不同的現象,各自有其自然的真實狀態。它們不需要再彼此的欺瞞與混淆,兩邊以其各自不同的自然本質和平的共存,各自發揮其特有的功能,直到死亡時,每一個構成元素各自分道揚鑣。 The Lord Buddha and the Arahants become fully enlightened only once: the citta and Dhamma being exactly of the same nature, they have no need to search further. The khandhas, that make up their conventional existence, are then just khandhas pure and simple – they contain no defiling elements. The khandhas of an Arahant remain the same as before, for the attainment of Nibb&na does not alter them in any way. For example, those khandhas responsible for thought processes continue to perform this function at the behest of their boss, the citta. By nature, the release of vimutti is already freed of any intermingling with the khandhas, the citta and the khandhas each existing as separate, distinct phenomena, each one true within its own natural state. They no longer seek to deceive or disrupt one another. Both sides exist peacefully in their distinct natural states, performing their specific functions until, at death, each constituent element goes its own separate way.
When the body finally dies, the purified citta attains yath&d&po ca nibbuto: just as the flame in a lamp is extinguished when all of the fuel is exhausted, so too goes the citta according to its true nature.12 Relative, conventional realities like the khandhas are no longer involved with the purified citta beyond that point. In truth, nothing of the relative, conventional world accompanies this citta to create a cause for coming to birth in the future. Such was the essence of Dhamma that arose in Ãcariya Mun’s citta at the moment it completed the three revolutions Biography of &cariya Mun 162 expressing its dynamic character. That was the final occasion when the relative reality of the khandhas and the absolute freedom of the citta joined forces before finally separating to go their separate ways – forever.
從阿姜曼早期開始修行的那一段歲月,他就一直擁有積極的個性。這種與眾不同的個性在他最後證果的那一刻最明顯,對他而言也是最難以忘懷的,所以他後來會以此激勵啟發他的學生。一旦他的心徹底擺脫生死輪迴後,它就出現了三次的改革,圍繞著新生起的解脫心。當第一次的改革结束時,巴利語所謂的「lopo」-(全然的斷除)隨之生起,意即此刻的心已完成了斷除貪執的職責,包括了對所有殘餘的相對性(因緣、緣生)、世俗事實的貪執;第二次的改革結束時,巴利語所謂的「vimutti」-(全然的自在)隨之生起,意即此刻的心已臻徹底解脫的職責;第三次的改革結束時,巴利語所謂的「an&layo」 –(全然的捨離)隨之生起,意即此刻的心在所有成就方面都已臻全然無垢的職責。那時,「心」就是「法」,即「一心一法」,「心」與「法」的真正本質同義。不同於相對性(因緣、緣生)、世俗的事實,它是沒有二元性的。真正的解脫是單純的,它是絕對唯一的,沒有相對性(因緣、緣生)、世俗事實的任何軌跡。只能一次完全地體悟純然的「法」,因為無法更完美了。 Since his early days of practice, Ãcariya Mun always possessed a very dynamic character. That distinguishing characteristic was evident at the moment of his final attainment, which was so unforgettable for him that he would later tell this story to inspire his disciples. Once his citta had completely overthrown the cycle of repeated birth and death, it appeared to make three revolutions, circling around the newly-arisen viva&&a-citta.9 Upon conclusion of the first revolution, the P&li term A Heart Released 161 lopo – cutting off – arose together with its essential meaning: at that moment the citta had completed the function of totally excluding all vestiges of relative, conventional reality. Upon conclusion of the second revolution, the P&li term vimutti – absolute freedom – arose together with its essential meaning: at that moment the citta had completed the function of attaining total release. Upon conclusion of the third revolution, the P&li term an&layo – total detachment – arose together with its essential meaning: at that moment the citta had completed the function of wholly severing all attachments. Citta and Dhamma were then one and the same – ekacitta ekadhamma. The true nature of the citta is synonymous with the true nature of Dhamma. Unlike relative, conventional reality, there is no duality. This is vimuttidhamma pure and simple.10 It is absolute in its singularity and devoid of any trace of relative, conventional reality within. This pure Dhamma is fully realized only once. It never requires further perfection.
世尊及阿羅漢們也只證悟過一次:「心」與「法」的本質是完全的相同,他們不需要再去尋找什麼東西了。「五蘊」,構成他們在世間的存在,就只是單純的五蘊而已,沒有垢染的成份。阿羅漢的五蘊跟以前還是一樣,在證得涅槃後並沒有發生任何的改變。例如:那些負責思想過程的五蘊仍是接受它們老闆,「心」的命令。本質上,當達成「全然的自在」時,已經切斷所有五蘊與心之間的繫縛與牽絆了。「心」與「五蘊」各自獨立而存,是不同的現象,各自有其自然的真實狀態。它們不需要再彼此的欺瞞與混淆,兩邊以其各自不同的自然本質和平的共存,各自發揮其特有的功能,直到死亡時,每一個構成元素各自分道揚鑣。 The Lord Buddha and the Arahants become fully enlightened only once: the citta and Dhamma being exactly of the same nature, they have no need to search further. The khandhas, that make up their conventional existence, are then just khandhas pure and simple – they contain no defiling elements. The khandhas of an Arahant remain the same as before, for the attainment of Nibb&na does not alter them in any way. For example, those khandhas responsible for thought processes continue to perform this function at the behest of their boss, the citta. By nature, the release of vimutti is already freed of any intermingling with the khandhas, the citta and the khandhas each existing as separate, distinct phenomena, each one true within its own natural state. They no longer seek to deceive or disrupt one another. Both sides exist peacefully in their distinct natural states, performing their specific functions until, at death, each constituent element goes its own separate way.
When the body finally dies, the purified citta attains yath&d&po ca nibbuto: just as the flame in a lamp is extinguished when all of the fuel is exhausted, so too goes the citta according to its true nature.12 Relative, conventional realities like the khandhas are no longer involved with the purified citta beyond that point. In truth, nothing of the relative, conventional world accompanies this citta to create a cause for coming to birth in the future. Such was the essence of Dhamma that arose in Ãcariya Mun’s citta at the moment it completed the three revolutions Biography of &cariya Mun 162 expressing its dynamic character. That was the final occasion when the relative reality of the khandhas and the absolute freedom of the citta joined forces before finally separating to go their separate ways – forever.