還可以參考相應部47.10經,這裡可以很明顯看出修止與修觀的差異,也可以看出止觀是如何在禪修中活用。metta 寫:在增支部4.170經中講了聖弟子證阿羅漢的四種途徑,第一種是先止後觀,第二種是先觀後止,第三種是止、觀交替進行,第四種是直接克服見法的障礙(這很難用簡單幾個字概括)。
Here, Ananda, a monk abides contemplating body as body* — ardent, fully aware, mindful — leading away the unhappiness that comes from wanting the things of the world. And for one who is abiding contemplating body as body,* a bodily object arises, or bodily distress, or mental sluggishness, that scatters his mind outward. Then the monk should direct his mind to some satisfactory image. When the mind is directed to some satisfactory image, happiness is born. From this happiness, joy is then born. With a joyful mind, the body relaxes. A relaxed body feels content, and the mind of one content becomes concentrated. He then reflects: "The purpose for which I directed my my mind has been accomplished. So now I shall withdraw [directed attention from the image]." He withdraws, and no longer thinks upon or thinks about [the image]. He understands: "I am not thinking upon or thinking about [anything]. Inwardly mindful, I am content." This is directed meditation.《SN 47.10》
這裏的object,作名詞時,是: A focus of attention, feeling, thought, or action: 例如:an object of contempt.
作動詞時,是:1. To present a dissenting or opposing argument; raise an objection: objected to the testimony of the witness.
2. To be averse to or express disapproval of something:
這裏的object,作名詞時,是: A focus of attention, feeling, thought, or action: 例如:an object of contempt.
作動詞時,是:1. To present a dissenting or opposing argument; raise an objection: objected to the testimony of the witness.
2. To be averse to or express disapproval of something:
如果沒有英文版對照,這段讀起來也很困難。根據英文版,我們可以知道這裡的意思是: 當比丘修身念住的時候,因種種原因心散亂的時候,就應該引導其心取某一適意的淨相。 由於系心於此相,喜生起,由喜而有輕安,而有樂,而得定。 得定之後,反思(reflect),......
這裡講的是專注於單一所緣而得定的過程, 這叫作directed meditation 。
如果沒有英文版對照,這段讀起來也很困難。根據英文版,我們可以知道這裡的意思是: 當比丘修身念住的時候,因種種原因心散亂的時候,就應該引導其心取某一適意的淨相。 由於系心於此相,喜生起,由喜而有輕安,而有樂,而得定。 得定之後,反思(reflect),......
這裡講的是專注於單一所緣而得定的過程, 這叫作directed meditation 。
1)Here, Ananda, a monk abides contemplating body as body* — ardent, fully aware, mindful — leading away the unhappiness that comes from wanting the things of the world.
這裏的a monk 是一個一般意義上來說的比丘,他就身來念身時,沒有什麽大問題,直接就可以正念正知、離(欲等)生喜樂(ardent, fully aware, mindful — leading away the unhappiness that comes from wanting the things of the world.)
2)And for one who is abiding contemplating body as body,* a bodily object arises, or bodily distress, or mental sluggishness, that scatters his mind outward.
這是另一個比丘,他不能象上面的比丘一樣,直接就可以正念正知、離(欲等)生喜樂。而是,他有一些較特殊的問題,比如說身體的不舒服和精神上提不起勁等等(a bodily object arises, or bodily distress, or mental sluggishness, that scatters his mind outward.)
3)所以,他應該念住于某個令他適宜、喜愛的像(畫面)。這樣一來,他才能産生喜、樂。(Then the monk should direct his mind to some satisfactory image. When the mind is directed to some satisfactory image, happiness is born.)
4)有了喜、樂後,身體就放松。一個放松的身體感覺到很滿足、很舒服,這種很滿足、很舒服的心趨向于專一。(With a joyful mind, the body relaxes. A relaxed body feels content, and the mind of one content becomesbecomes concentrated.)
5)之後,他反思到:“我這樣做(指念住一個令他適宜、喜愛的像)的目的達到了,所以不再需要這樣做了,他就真地不再去念住一個令他適宜、喜愛的像了。"The purpose for which I directed my my mind has been accomplished. So now I shall withdraw [directed attention from the image]." He withdraws, and no longer thinks upon or thinks about [the image].
6)他正念正知到:“我現在是正念正知,我感覺到很滿足、很舒服(He understands: "I am not thinking upon or thinking about [anything]. Inwardly mindful, I am content." This is directed meditation.)
7) 這就是有指導的禅思(directed meditation)
1)Here, Ananda, a monk abides contemplating body as body* — ardent, fully aware, mindful — leading away the unhappiness that comes from wanting the things of the world.
這裏的a monk 是一個一般意義上來說的比丘,他就身來念身時,沒有什麽大問題,直接就可以正念正知、離(欲等)生喜樂(ardent, fully aware, mindful — leading away the unhappiness that comes from wanting the things of the world.)
2)And for one who is abiding contemplating body as body,* a bodily object arises, or bodily distress, or mental sluggishness, that scatters his mind outward.
這是另一個比丘,他不能象上面的比丘一樣,直接就可以正念正知、離(欲等)生喜樂。而是,他有一些較特殊的問題,比如說身體的不舒服和精神上提不起勁等等(a bodily object arises, or bodily distress, or mental sluggishness, that scatters his mind outward.)
3)所以,他應該念住于某個令他適宜、喜愛的像(畫面)。這樣一來,他才能産生喜、樂。(Then the monk should direct his mind to some satisfactory image. When the mind is directed to some satisfactory image, happiness is born.)
4)有了喜、樂後,身體就放松。一個放松的身體感覺到很滿足、很舒服,這種很滿足、很舒服的心趨向于專一。(With a joyful mind, the body relaxes. A relaxed body feels content, and the mind of one content becomesbecomes concentrated.)
5)之後,他反思到:“我這樣做(指念住一個令他適宜、喜愛的像)的目的達到了,所以不再需要這樣做了,他就真地不再去念住一個令他適宜、喜愛的像了。"The purpose for which I directed my my mind has been accomplished. So now I shall withdraw [directed attention from the image]." He withdraws, and no longer thinks upon or thinks about [the image].
6)他正念正知到:“我現在是正念正知,我感覺到很滿足、很舒服(He understands: "I am not thinking upon or thinking about [anything]. Inwardly mindful, I am content." This is directed meditation.)
7) 這就是有指導的禅思(directed meditation)
有個關鍵問題是你沒有明白directed meditation的意思。 這裡不是指導的禪思, 可以譯為 「引導的禪思」, 因為這種方法把心引導向某個像,是止禪,是和undirected meditation 相對的。 後者指的是修觀,並不把心引向特定的單一的所緣(像)。
還有就是這裡包含了很多定學相關的專有名詞,尋、伺、喜、樂、輕安、定。 如果譯文中不能反映出來,就不一定很恰當。 這裡directed meditation的核心是闡述從系心於一境到得定的因果鏈。 我之所以沒有直接翻譯這段文字是我對照三個版本之後發現直譯很難,所以才引用元亨版的翻譯。 對最後幾句的翻譯,菩提比丘的譯本和元亨版比較一目瞭然,是說反思認為引導其心於所緣(即尋,directed mind)的目的(得定)已完成,所以收(withdraw)掉尋、伺(這裡用的是thinks upon or thinks about ,每個譯者用詞可能不一樣),而住於無尋、無伺內有念、樂的狀態。 這裡說的就是二禪尋、伺止息。
這裡的重點是說明什麼是directed meditation,所以幾句話就從初禪講到了二禪,也沒有直接說明這裡的反思和感受喜樂是定中還是定外,這需要結合其它經文才能確定。如果你一味咬定就是在定中,就沒有任何進一步討論的需要了。
"In the same way, when a monk's mind is held back, thoroughly held back, from the six media of sensory contact, his mind settles inwardly, grows steady, unified, & concentrated.
所以成就心一境性和心徹底不去六根門相對應的,這就不可能感受身體和進行一般的思維。此經後半部分講如何修無我觀,用將一笛子分解尋找笛聲作比喻,以至於分解成微塵也找不到。 這都很清楚地說明止和觀的區別。
如果把sn47.10 和 sn35.205 結合起來對入定的全貌就會有較好的瞭解。
還有就是這裡包含了很多定學相關的專有名詞,尋、伺、喜、樂、輕安、定。 如果譯文中不能反映出來,就不一定很恰當。 這裡directed meditation的核心是闡述從系心於一境到得定的因果鏈。 我之所以沒有直接翻譯這段文字是我對照三個版本之後發現直譯很難,所以才引用元亨版的翻譯。 對最後幾句的翻譯,菩提比丘的譯本和元亨版比較一目瞭然,是說反思認為引導其心於所緣(即尋,directed mind)的目的(得定)已完成,所以收(withdraw)掉尋、伺(這裡用的是thinks upon or thinks about ,每個譯者用詞可能不一樣),而住於無尋、無伺內有念、樂的狀態。 這裡說的就是二禪尋、伺止息。
這裡的重點是說明什麼是directed meditation,所以幾句話就從初禪講到了二禪,也沒有直接說明這裡的反思和感受喜樂是定中還是定外,這需要結合其它經文才能確定。如果你一味咬定就是在定中,就沒有任何進一步討論的需要了。
"In the same way, when a monk's mind is held back, thoroughly held back, from the six media of sensory contact, his mind settles inwardly, grows steady, unified, & concentrated.
所以成就心一境性和心徹底不去六根門相對應的,這就不可能感受身體和進行一般的思維。此經後半部分講如何修無我觀,用將一笛子分解尋找笛聲作比喻,以至於分解成微塵也找不到。 這都很清楚地說明止和觀的區別。
如果把sn47.10 和 sn35.205 結合起來對入定的全貌就會有較好的瞭解。