傳承有所不同無法推論出,沒有在比丘前宣示皈依三寶持守五戒的人就不是佛弟子不是嗎?這個問題很簡單,為什麼就是沒人可以正面回答呢?最勉強算是個答案的竟然是「字面上」來說算是佛弟子。freshman 寫:如果有傳承,最起碼有一個“皈依三寶、受持五戒”的具體說明。什麽是三皈?什麽是持五戒?在皈依時,是要重點說明白的。並且這些內容在各派中也是不太一樣的。當然,在這之後,有人會有變化,但是這和你當時所受的三皈五戒是要分開的。
若沒有南傳佛教保留下來的經律及僧團傳承,要學習佛法的確是會困難很多,我想很多南傳法師都是值得尊敬及學習的,我個人雖然沒有在任何一位比丘面前宣示受三皈五戒,但是這些法師的話也確實影響個人很大。BUDD 寫:況且如今離佛日遠﹐一個人能沒有老師的指引而能的成就的很少﹐看看南傳佛教出了多少明師﹐難道跟隨他們也有錯嗎?
Four Great Standards
..the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus (monks) and said,
这里很肯定的是对僧团说,不是对在家众说!! 当时佛陀的有些教导只是对僧侣们说在家众是没办法听到的,有这么一经写到一位垂死的在家众要求僧人破例为他说佛陀对僧团所说的法。
"I will teach you, bhikkhus, these four Great Standards. Listen! Pay attention! I will speak."
Yes, Bhante," replied the bhikkhus. The Blessed One said:
1. [One Venerable may say he knows]
"Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu may say, 'In the presence of the Blessed One himself have I heard this, in his presence have I learned this. This is the Dhamma, this is the Vinaya, this is the teaching of the Master.'
The word spoken, bhikkhus, by that bhikkhu should neither be rejoiced at nor scorned. Without rejoicing and without scorn, the words and syllables should be carefully learned and checked to see if they are included in the sutta or seen in the Vinaya .
If when so doing they are not included in the sutta, and are not seen in the Vinaya, then you may come to the conclusion: 'Surely, this is not the word of the Blessed One, and has been wrongly learned by that bhikkhu.' So, bhikkhus, you should reject it.
yes,you should reject it 但不是叫你去批评!!
"But if they are included in the sutta, and are seen in the Vinaya, then you may come to the conclusion: 'Surely, this is the word of the Blessed One, and has been well learned by that bhikkhu.' This, bhikkhus, you should bear in mind as the first Great Standard.
2. [A group of Monks may claim so]
3. [A group of Senior Monks may claim so]
4. [One single highly Eminent Monk may claim so]
..the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus (monks) and said,
这里很肯定的是对僧团说,不是对在家众说!! 当时佛陀的有些教导只是对僧侣们说在家众是没办法听到的,有这么一经写到一位垂死的在家众要求僧人破例为他说佛陀对僧团所说的法。
"I will teach you, bhikkhus, these four Great Standards. Listen! Pay attention! I will speak."
Yes, Bhante," replied the bhikkhus. The Blessed One said:
1. [One Venerable may say he knows]
"Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu may say, 'In the presence of the Blessed One himself have I heard this, in his presence have I learned this. This is the Dhamma, this is the Vinaya, this is the teaching of the Master.'
The word spoken, bhikkhus, by that bhikkhu should neither be rejoiced at nor scorned. Without rejoicing and without scorn, the words and syllables should be carefully learned and checked to see if they are included in the sutta or seen in the Vinaya .
If when so doing they are not included in the sutta, and are not seen in the Vinaya, then you may come to the conclusion: 'Surely, this is not the word of the Blessed One, and has been wrongly learned by that bhikkhu.' So, bhikkhus, you should reject it.
yes,you should reject it 但不是叫你去批评!!
"But if they are included in the sutta, and are seen in the Vinaya, then you may come to the conclusion: 'Surely, this is the word of the Blessed One, and has been well learned by that bhikkhu.' This, bhikkhus, you should bear in mind as the first Great Standard.
2. [A group of Monks may claim so]
3. [A group of Senior Monks may claim so]
4. [One single highly Eminent Monk may claim so]