rostov 寫:如有法有能解 感激不禁
General Rostov 你的問題,在經典裡已經有答案了;
雜阿含 373 and SN XII.63
云何比丘觀察摶食?譬如有夫婦二人,唯有一子,愛念將養。欲度曠野嶮道難處,糧食乏盡,飢餓困極,計無濟理。作是議 言:正有一子,極所愛念,若食其肉,可 得度難,莫令在此三人俱死。作是計已,即殺其子,含悲垂淚,強食其肉,得度曠野。云何比丘!彼人夫婦共食子肉,寧取其味,貪嗜美樂與不」?答曰:「不也, 世尊」!復問比丘:「彼強食其肉,為度曠野嶮道與不」?答言:「如是,世尊」!佛告比丘:「凡食摶食,當如是觀!如是觀者,摶食斷、知;摶食斷、知已,於 五欲功德貪愛則斷。五欲功德貪愛斷者,我不見彼多聞聖弟子,於五欲功德上有一結使而不斷者;有一結繫故,則還生此世。
"And how is physical food to be regarded? Suppose a couple, husband & wife, taking meager provisions, were to travel through a desert. With them would be their only baby son, dear & appealing. Then the meager provisions of the couple going through the desert would be used up & depleted while there was still a stretch of the desert yet to be crossed. The thought would occur to them, 'Our meager provisions are used up & depleted while there is still a stretch of this desert yet to be crossed. What if we were to kill this only baby son of ours, dear & appealing, and make dried meat & jerky. That way — chewing on the flesh of our son — at least the two of us would make it through this desert. Otherwise, all three of us would perish.' So they would kill their only baby son, loved & endearing, and make dried meat & jerky. Chewing on the flesh of their son, they would make it through the desert. While eating the flesh of their only son, they would beat their breasts, [crying,] 'Where have you gone, our only baby son? Where have you gone, our only baby son?' Now what do you think, monks: Would that couple eat that food playfully or for intoxication, or for putting on bulk, or for beautification?"
"No, lord."
"Wouldn't they eat that food simply for the sake of making it through that desert?"
"Yes, lord."
"In the same way, I tell you, is the nutriment of physical food to be regarded. When physical food is comprehended, passion for the five strings of sensuality is comprehended. When passion for the five strings of sensuality is comprehended, there is no fetter bound by which a disciple of the noble ones would come back again to this world.