smiaoguan 寫:請問各位一般漢傳佛教都稱阿含為小乘經典 而以自以大乘為優越 只要是以大乘經典多闡揚 具有慈悲利他的精神 以此來區別大小乘
一個善於修習善法,希望得到心境寧靜的人,他應如是努力:令自己能##(不可罵這個字 )、正直、高潔、恭順、溫柔與謙虛。
願一切眾生 ── 無論是弱或強,高或矮,長或短,強壯或中等,大或小,看得到的或看不到的,住在遠方的或住在近處的,已生的或即將出生的 …,無一例外,皆心境快樂。
無論行、住、坐、臥,祇要醒著,他都必須發展他的正念(修習四念處),這才是智者所稱的"梵行 ── 最清高的行為"。
Metta Sutta (Buddha's Discourse on Loving-Kindness)
He who is skilled in his good and who wishes to attain that state of calm should act like this: He should be able, upright, perfectly upright, obedient, gentle and humble.
He should be contented, easily supportable, with few duties, of light livelihood, controlled in senses, discreet, not impudent, not be greedily attached to families.
He should not commit any slight wrong such that other wise men might censure him. May all beings be happy and secure; may their hearts be wholesome!
Whatsoever living beings there be; feeble or strong, long, stout or medium, short, small or large, seen or unseen. Those dwelling far or near, those who are born and those who are to be born ? may all beings, without exception, be happy minded! Let not one deceive another nor despise any person whatsoever in any place. In anger or ill-will, let him not wish any harm to another.
Just as a mother would protect her only child, at the risk of her own life, even so let him cultivate a boundless heart towards all beings.
Let thoughts of boundless love pervade the whole world:- above, below and across without any obstruction, without any hatred, without any enmity.
Whether he stands, walks, sits or lies down, as long as he is awake, he should develop this mindfulness. This, they say, is the Highest Conduct here.
Not falling into error, virtuous, and endowed with insight, he discards attachment to sensuous desires. Of a truth, he does not come again for conception in a womb.