2.The question of inherent existence really doesn’t have much to with why we attach to things~2006-05-01_ThanissaroBikkhu_EmptinessRevisited (剛開始大約一分鐘1:20)
註:因為都是聽來的,當然有可能記錯.寫錯.曲解.甚至斷章取義的疑慮,..目的是提供給有興趣的法友參考,並且留意相關的資料,例如這裡 modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=16504
Re: [我]的問題
The question of inherent existence really doesn’t have much to do with why we're attached to thingsleeyc2 寫:.The question of inherent existence really doesn’t have much to with why we attach to things~
Re: [我]的問題
這樣說其實是有一點問題的。leeyc2 寫:The question of inherent existence really doesn’t have much to do with why we're attached to thingsleeyc2 寫:.The question of inherent existence really doesn’t have much to with why we attach to things~
我個人理解經典當中其實是在反復強調,並沒有一個inherent existence。
佛說,色等是不是無常?是無常,就是在否定inherent existence。